Here is where most of the 'middle-class' lives, though this is somewhat of a misnomer. Downtown: Though perhaps not named quite correctly, 'downtown' of Level 1313 is the section of the district that is slightly nicer than the rest of the place. Muggings, assaults, and other similar incidents occur almost daily within the slums, mostly because there is no real benefit to anyone in stopping it. Though the Coratanni Cartel ensures a certain amount of safety, the slums are still a scene of constant crime. The Slums are one of the most ill-controlled areas of the District. Housing is generally half abandoned and falling apart, and those living there tend to be on the lower income spectrum that one can imagine. The quality of these places range from where one actually is, but most of them are utterly and truly depressing. Slums: As one would expect from a dark and dreary place like Level 1313, there are quite a few slums located throughout the district. Of course, it is just one of many of these types of Terminal's, and there are dozens others like it that control the flow of traffic into the District. Essentially just a flat platform that acts as a shipping and transit area, Terminal 24 allows people as well as freight to go in and out of Level 1313. Similar in appearance to a hangar bay that can be found in any starport, Terminal Twenty Four is an access bay to one of Coruscant's Underworld Portals. POINTS OF INTEREST Terminal 24: Known as Terminal Twenty four, this section of 1313 is one of the main entryways that allows one to actually enter the district. Though crime is rife within, it does not spread, authorities carefully watching for levels of crime and cracking down whenever if gets out of hand. Of course, even with all of this, 1313 is still a part of Coruscant and thus tightly controlled. Despite that 1313 is incredibly profitable, and one of those places on Coruscant that residence can simply 'disappear'. Most of the district is still a shamble of what most imagine Coruscant to be, with falling walls, abandoned buildings, and criminals on every corner. This change however has not affected the level in any grand way. This has allowed Level 1313 to 'calm' and become a more focused area of illegal commerce. Utilizing a combination of deadly force and promise of economical bonus, Coratanni managed to bring many of 1313's criminal enterprises beneath it's larger umbrella. Once controlled by a myriad of criminal enterprises and seen after by everything from the Hutts to smaller portions of Black Sun, 1313 has since come under the control of the Coratanni Cartel. 1313 was Coruscant most infamous level, a dungeon so deep that the world above forgot about it, filled with shattered conduits, fungus on the walls and criminals of all sorts. It was part of Coruscant's criminal underworld and was the location of numerous criminal gangs and their main hideouts. Level 1313 was a level of Coruscant, so named because it was located one thousand, three hundred, and thirteen levels from the core of Coruscant. Though small crime like muggings and robbery is still common, major felonies such as murder and arson have dropped dramatically. Since then, the District has become far more calm. Through a combination of extreme brutality and correctly placed bribes, the Cartel managed to reign in and tame those gangs that operated within 1313.
Though mostly 1313 ran itself through a series of gangs and their turf, the Coratanni Cartel brought them all to heel. As the Coratanni Cartel entered the Underworld of Coruscant, they brought with them a sense of foreboding control. Though previously one of the most chaotic and unruly sections of Coruscant, as of late 1313 has been 'tamed'. The real money within the Underworld is made on the illegal side of things, and for those who aren't afraid of breaking the law a healthy profit can be made.

Criminal gangs, Spice Dealers, Smugglers, and everything else runs wild within 1313, a land that has been all but forgotten by most authorities.

It is in Illegitimate business that 1313 thrives. Most everyone with legitimate employment in 1313 is incredibly poor and barely scraping by, what little they have being subsidized by local government and even aid from the Alliance. Generally speaking the Coruscant Underworld is not at all in a stable financial situation. Unlike other areas of Coruscant, Level 1313 is not rich, wealthy, or even near sustainable economic levels.

Though of course the most prevailing species is Human, 1313 contains everything from Twi'leks to Besalisks. All sorts of aliens live and survive within the Underworld. Much like the rest of Coruscant Level 1313 is an incredibly diverse and wide demographic.