Enneagram type 3 wing 2
Enneagram type 3 wing 2

enneagram type 3 wing 2

“Twos with a Three wing are more comfortable simply sharing the innate qualities they already have. DecemHe who masters the power formed by a group of people working together has within his grasp one of the greatest powers known to man. They’re able to be more direct about what they want and vocal about the services they provide. Threes strive for success in their chosen field and tend to be highly flexible and willing to adapt to achieve their goals. 3 in itself is a more extraverted type, but the 4 wing. As a result, efficiency, results, recognition and image are very important to them. Some of the best type descriptions online are from Enneagram Underground, 9types, and Enneagram. The great thing about this wing is that instead of giving others what they need at the cost of their own needs, these kinds of Twos are more comfortable simply sharing the innate qualities they already have – and enjoying the friendship and admiration it gets them. Enneagram Threes are likely to value achievement and want to be the best. But with a Three wing, this drive isn’t displayed in the form of serving and taking care of others, but rather in thinking that their friendship and attention is already enough of a gift to others. Enneagram Styles of Famous People Compiled by Thomas Condon Famous Ones Actress Jane Alexander, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Historian Stephen Ambrose, the culture of the Amish, Julie Andrews, Hanan Ashrawi, St. At least, a tad bit more than Twos with a One wing, who incorporate the self-critical, idealistic aspects of Ones rather than the image-conscious, competitive traits of Threes. Twos with a Three wing are often more ambitious concerning their personal goals. Mix a little bit of the Three personality into the Two type, and what do you get? A more confident, charming and maybe even a bit seductive personality flavour.

Enneagram type 3 wing 2